Ifugao boxer Natuplag wins in Dubai

WIN BY KO. KJ Natuplag, center, won via knock out in his fight in the United Arab Emirates capital last Sunday against Columbian Argel Berrio three months after his losing to Afghan Hasibullah Ahmadi. Left is Highland Boxing Promotions Brico Santig, who like Natuplag, is taking advantage of getting locked down in Dubai due to the Covid-19 pandemic since June. Right is promoter Darwin Miller Dep-ay and a partner of Santig. From the Facebook Page of Brico Santig

KJ Natuplag needed just four rounds to finish off Columbian Argel Berrio in their bantamweight fight Sunday night at the Habtoor City in Dubai to end his three losing bout.

The Ifugao native but La Trinidad, Benguet based fighter off Highland Boxing Promotions in the third round decked the Columbian champion with a combination of hook, straight, another hook then an upper cut that sent Berrio on his knees.

“Nakatsamba (lucky),” was Highland Boxing top man and former two time Philippine boxing promoter of the year Brico Santig.

It was the ninth win, eight via KO, for Natuplag who comes off from a three game losing streak. He also drew two fights.

Natuplag last fought in Dubai in June 5 where he lost to Afghan brawler Hasibullah Ahmadi in a featherweight fight via unanimous decision.

Berrio, meanwhile, ended his three win streak in his 10 year career as a professional that saw four wins against eight setbacks and one no contest.

Natuplag, a Benguet State University alum, is the former Asian Boxing Federation champion but comes off from two straight defeats prior his Ahmadi loss.

Before flying to Dubai, Natuplag last fought in November 2, 2019 when he lost to Mikito Nakamo, five months after falling to Joe Tejones, who last May lost to Ifugao pride Carl Jammes Martin.

Natuplag was supposed to fight on July 3 against Jun Estrada, but Santig replaced him with Rex Wa-o as the fight is too soon with his Dubai encounter. Wa-o lost in his return bout.



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