Metro Baguio Lions inducts new officers with art for a cause show for sick kids

HELPING HAND. Members of Metro Baguio Lions Baguio, led by newly installed president Jaime Tee (5th right) hand over a check for the Helping Hand Healing Heart Ministries Foundation represented by assistant director Marissa dela Pena (3rd, right) during the club’s induction and investiture of new members last March 31 at the Hotel Supreme. Pigeon Lobien

The Metro Baguio Lions Club Wednesday turned its induction and investiture of new members into fund raiser that will benefit at least 40 children suffering from ailments including cancer or up for adoption.

Jaime Tee was finally inducted into presidency of the Lion’s Club along with four officers and two directors as well as 20 new members invested into the organization which places service to community above everything else but made the 40 indigent children from the Helping Hand, Healing Heart Ministries, Philippines as their beneficiaries.

“This is the first time I attended a civic organization induction program where children with ailments most especially cancer were the highlight,” said Peter Ng, a former president of Baguio Lions Club, and mother club of MBLC.

“It is not just the socials that comes after it, but then they were able to help the children,” added the owner of the Supreme Hotel, which was the venue of the induction cum art show/auction of 46 art works of the children.

After the formalities that saw Tee and officers being sworn in and accepted as the new set of officers, the MBLC members as well as their colleagues form other Lions Clubs in the city perused the art works and bought what they fancied.

In the end, a “check” made of tarp worth P50,000 was presented to Helping Hands assistant director Marissa dela Pena by Tee.

“This will really help the children,” said dela Pena.

She said that the children – some up for adoption and some suffering from ailments including cancer – are ages six to 18.

An art work bought by Crystal Rillera, said dela Pena, is done by an 18-year old boy who after having his legs amputated to extend his life may just end up dead soon.

“The cancer metastasized, so we just want his remaining days filled with happiness. Make it better for him,” said dela Pena, called Nanay Marissa by the children.

She further thanked the club for making them the beneficiary of the induction – dinner, with the cancellation of a regular dinner art auction at Camp John Hay organized by a group of restaurant owners.

“Due to Covid-19 and the lockdown, the one held at John Hay was cancelled last year and this year,” said the breast cancer survivor.

Tee said that materials used like canvas, papers as well as brush, acrylic and watercolor were provided for by their members.

Helping Hand is a private foundation that give assistance to people suffering from diseases especially children with cancer.



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BY: VALERIE ANN DISMAYA A safer and more convenient pathway, that’s what the new footbridge in Sitio Puraw, Pugo, La Union, offers. With the leadership of Mayor Kurt Walter Martin